The Adaptation Model of Nursing was developed by Sister Callista Roy in 1976. After working with Dorothy E. Johnson, Roy became convinced of the importance of describing the nature of nursing as a service to society. This prompted her to begin developing her model with the goal of nursing being to promote adaptation. She first began organizing her theory of nursing as she developed course curriculum for nursing students at Mount St. Mary's College. She introduced her ideas as a basis for an integrated nursing curriculum.

The factors that influenced the development of the model included: family, education, religious background, mentors, and clinical experience. Roy's model asks the questions:
Who is the focus of nursing care?
What is the target of nursing care?
When is nursing care indicated?
Roy explained that adaptation occurs when people respond positively to environmental changes, and it is the process and outcome of individuals and groups who use conscious awareness, self-reflection, and choice to create human and environmental integration.

The key concepts of Roy's Adaptation Model are made up of four components: person, health, environment, and nursing.

According to Roy's model, a person is a bio-psycho-social being in constant interaction with a changing environment. He or she uses innate and acquired mechanisms to adapt. The model includes people as individuals, as well as in groups such as families, organizations, and communities. This also includes society as a whole.

The Adaptation Model states that health is an inevitable dimension of a person's life, and is represented by a health-illness continuum. Health is also described as a state and process of being and becoming integrated and whole.

The environment has three components: focal, which is internal or external and immediately confronts the person; contextual, which is all stimuli present in the situation that all contribute to the effect of the focal stimulus; and residual, whose effects in the current situation are unclear. All conditions, circumstances, and influences surrounding and affecting the development and behavior of people and groups with particular consideration of mutuality of person and earth resources, including focal, contextual, and residual stimuli.

The model includes two subsystems, as well. The cognator subsystem is a major coping process involving four cognitive-emotive channels: perceptual and information processing, learning, judgment, and emotion. The regulator subsystem is a basic type of adaptive process that responds automatically through neural, chemical, and endocrine coping channels.


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